
Our Strategic Plan incorporates seven Principles that apply to most or all Goals. These Principles define foundational elements essential to accomplishment of our Goals, and accordingly find expression throughout the Strategic Plan. The Principles are the threads binding together our Strategic Plan.

Enhanced Safety & Security

Provide a safe and secure environment by investing in the information infrastructure that focuses on community well-being and overall enhancement of the complete experience.
Before trust, our top priority at Needs Inc. and Elect Me is online safety and physical safety at the polls. We want our users to be secure in the information provided to them, and secure in the information they give out to others. This applies in both online and physical formats because people engage in both when it comes to voting preparations and voting in general. Currently, voting can be a topic that can strike distrust in the hearts and minds of citizens. This can cause people to go to the extreme when making sure poll duties are carried out correctly. This act among some general citizens surges fear and intimidation in ones that come to the polls. Furthermore, as a result of this act, citizens are given on average three choices: 1) engage in the intimidation, 2) ignore the intimidation, 3) stay home and not vote. This is why the Elect Me platform exists, to cut out the fear with enlarged confidence in citizens and final input at the polls.

Trusted Support

Apply meaningful primary content to all users from all users, making sure we stand strong in what primarily produce. Trusted, Organized, Primary Information.
We put constituents at the forefront in regard to platform engagement and outcomes. We put account holders in the forefront when concerning proper platform engagement and support. We understand that without trust we have nothing and our users would be left holding the bag. A lack of trust on any side of the field can result in a lack of engagement or a surplus of falsities that can make the voting environment worst. Also, we are not blind to user sabotage. We know that there will be numerous bad actors that try to discourage the platform, but will ultimately be found out and annexed from the platform. In addition, we hold our position in the market as a gateway to select-user information, polling data, and third-party resources; like a campaign website or social media account. We give account holders various support options and in return, we gain trusted primary information, after bringing confirmation. Our holistic approach is practical and ensures that all elements of the Elect Me experience are aligned, integrated, and well-executed to provide the seamless support needed to maximize user engagement.

Access and Affordability

A & A is essential to user engagement in order to meet several quotas and user outcomes in an expanding market. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Access and Affordability is a crucial element of our value proposition that requires companywide efforts to sustain. Access means citizens can quickly learn, engage, and support candidates on the platform with relevant data personalized to them. Also, key areas of marketing allow for new and current voters to access the knowledge of our app near polling stations and other forms of advertisement. We also make the app free for engagement, but some information is required to fully access critical features. We do not want financial hurdles to prevent citizens from engaging with political candidates. Access also means creating easier pathways to the Elect Me platform for all users. Affordability means that we make an abundance of surface information free for the user to make decisions. The application will be free to download so our trust factor can flow smoothly from start to end. As for college students and general school districts, affordable access will come in later versions that capitalize on student character and test scores. We want younger generations not just focused on passing the class, but on the benefits added to them; and where they are going, as a result of success.

Intentional Community Partnerships

Entering into a market as a start-up can be overwhelming but support from the community can ease the turbulence.
Elect Me and Needs Incorporated are working together on building funding from local communities as well as private companies. We are overjoyed to have partnerships with local businesses and critical individuals on the local level because it adds to a trustworthy ground to build upon. Our partnerships now and in the future will be critical to the success of our five-year strategic plan. The local communities reinforce our reason to exist as well as a reason to continue. We aim to make the community just as much of a stakeholder as a private investor. We are thankful for this backing, and appreciate the many positive attributes of the community we originate from. We embrace our community’s rich history; civil rights traditions; it’s wonderful music, arts, entertainment and cuisine; great sports teams; central location and accessibility; and affordability. This not only applies to just Memphis Tennessee but Nashville, Knoxville, Clarksville, Chattanooga and each town in between. Our aim is to better leverage our statewide community’s attributes to uplift the Elect Me platform to multiple states, with Tennessee being the Hub. We are increasingly looking for opportunities to further collaborate, particularly with an eye to creating a stronger and expansive mutual support network within our state and nation.

Next-Generation Diversity & Inclusion

Support an inclusive ever-changing environment that reflects structural competency, social dynamics and social opportunities, so that we can serve the public good.
Part of the Elect Me mission is to work with new citizens as well as current citizens no matter where they come from or were born. We aim to guide and educate new users on the structure of the local, state, and national positions that are affecting their lives today, and how they can vote to change it tomorrow. We aim to make sure they are competent in national government structures and how society acts within these structures. We aim to be ahead of the game when it comes to technology and digitalization, because the next generation will be more inclusive with technology than the previous. We want to make opportunities surrounding the Elect Me platform available so the next generation can know their power as citizens and know where, when, and how to use it. However, we also are ever mindful that increased diversity presents challenges. We must better tailor our services to an array of user personalities. We must maintain our stature in the market as efficiently as possible throughout our launch.

Collaboration and Communication

Account holders open up to channels of communication because their constituents need their support as well as accounts holders need their constituents’ support.

The platform’s both general users and account holders; whether being of public office or running for public office, lean on each other to get a certain outcome that’s beneficial. Collaboration between the two, being in key demographics, is critical in amplifying and accelerating the impact we know our platform can cause. All said, “We can do more together”. Goals can be accomplished for both our
public platform and organizational utility platform if collaboration is upheld from start to finish. In direct regard to our volunteer utility platform; we believe communication is stressed even more boldly here. Communication, plus collaboration, help develop youth into better leaders, and boldly shaped character personalities. We believe strongly in student organizations and the good that can come from them. Even on an individual level teens ,students and adults can join organizations and let those organizations shape their character. Elect Me has interests in building, managing, and growing organizations with platform volunteer assistance. Organizations can choose individuals to volunteer in there campaign or organization’s general operations. This allows for organic communication intense collaboration with an output of experience in multi-industry selection.

Why volunteer help?

We believe out of all the assistance an organization can receive, volunteer assistance is the most organic and enriching of them all. Near all volunteering can lead to massive growths in character development and organizational growth. Volunteering also serves as an access point to information. Without volunteering, information would be taxed to flow in and out an organization, which can effect many exterior and interior attributes of an organization. Collaboration and communication through Elect Me accounts is critical in maintaining organic growth efforts, and volunteering is how we assist in those efforts.

Distinct Organizational Culture and Identity

Growing organizational identity around pillars of trust, structure, resilience, origin, innovation and entrepreneurship, technology-savviness, collaboration and communications

Integrity defines our moral being, characterized by honesty, truthfulness and respect.

Resilience refers to our can-do work ethic … a certain driven-by-doing fighting spirit and grittiness that is infused in everything we do and that we strive to inculcate in our students.

Innovation (and entrepreneurship) are evidenced in our constant quest to do things better and more efficiently; to lean into creativity; and to take calculated risks.

Technology-savviness means we are ever focused on identifying and implementing cost-effective and adaptive technologies that enhance our efficiency, impact, reach and connectedness.

Responsiveness is defined by a proactive commitment to work positively and expeditiously with other stakeholders and units to address issues and to advance the University.

Excellent Communications are transparent, honest, clear, timely and substantiveest, clear, timely and substantive

Team Needs

(planned as of 2023)

1. In-House Technical Developer (CTO)
2. General Counsel (Legal)
3. Market Analysis (CIO)
4. Financial Counsel (CFO)
5. Journalist- Need before to 3-5 months after official launch