When it comes to funding the Elect Me vision and platform, company leadership looks
at the investor just as much as the investment. We are dedicated to refining and
maintaining our trust factor toward all our users. This key trait must be backed by all
who company leadership allows to obtain equity following investment. In the
beginning, leadership personnel bootstrapped their efforts to create, validate, and
initiate a following behind the Elect Me brand. Initially, there was very little funding, as it
came from a few sources that were consistently on the fence and dwindling. Decisions
were made to put nearly 90% of funds into a tour of the State of Tennessee, called the
95 Tour. This tour would come to benefit the Elect Me campaign in a huge way. This is
the type of investors we need at Elect Me; investors that believe in the vision, platform,
returns, scalability, and impact on society.
We understand that ascending to become the public standard of overall voting
preparation is going to be difficult, and will require a significant amount of investor
funding. There will also certainly be some rough areas in the road and setbacks that are
sure to come. We also understand that investors can be very patient but there is a line
that must not be crossed. Elect Me leadership and investors of all kinds use these
deadlines and anxieties as fuel to make the platform possible for everyone who could
soon benefit from it one day. We sincerely believe that will get the right investors on the
team, for many generations to come will depend on it